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Unlock the benefits of Aqua Car Wash’s loyalty program and earn valuable reward points towards future car washes.
With our loyalty program, you can enjoy the convenience of express car washes while accumulating points that can be redeemed for discounts or even free services. Join now and experience the satisfaction of a clean and well-maintained vehicle, all while being rewarded for your loyalty. Start earning loyalty points today and make the most of your car wash experience with Aqua Car Wash!
Collecting Points:
Collect 1 point for every $1 spent in store on any service.
Bonus 50 Points: If you visit the car wash, complete a purchase that is greater than $25 CAD (excluding applicable taxes and including any applicable discounts) on or after August 15, 2023 by presenting your Physical Card at the time of purchase, you will be credited with having completed an eligible purchase for the purposes of this Offer, subject to your compliance with the Program Terms. There is a limit of one (1) eligible purchase for Bonus Offer per person.
Promotional Points
From time to time, we may offer you special promotions that offer you additional Promotional Points. The promotional Bonus Points will be awarded as described in the applicable promotional offer and will be subject to any additional terms set forth in such promotional offer.
Aqua Rewards Expiration:
Reward points accrued in your Aqua Rewards account expire one (1) year after the calendar month in which such points were earned. For example, if you earn points on August 15, 2023, they will expire at 11:59 pm on August 14, 2024. The oldest accrued points will be used first for redemptions.
Points Redemption
As a member of Aqua Rewards program, you are eligible to redeem points for complimentary Car Wash or Express Interior Service at Aqua Car Wash. The points redemption at Aqua Car Wash are as follows:
300 reward points = $10
400 reward points = $15
800 reward points = $30
1200 reward points = $50
2200 reward points = $100
You must present Aqua Rewards Card to customer service advisor at the booth or in store in order to redeem points. You cannot redeem multiple points redemption with a single purchase, and the maximum value for any individual redemption is $100 CAD. For example, you cannot redeem 300 points and 400 points in a single purchase.
Birthday Wash:
To qualify for your Birthday Bonus, you must join Aqua Rewards at least seven (7) days prior to your birthday, provide your birthday in your Aqua Rewards account information or on the Aqua Car Wash app, and make at least one transaction prior to your birthday each year. Your Birthday Reward is valid up to 7 days of your birthday. You must present a Aqua Rewards Card to the customer service advisor at the booth in order to redeem your Birthday Bonus. You will receive one (1) Birthday Bonus per year regardless of the number of Aqua Rewards Card registered to your account.
On your birthday (as provided on your account at the time of signup), you will receive cash bonus in your app wallet up to the value of a Basic Car Wash.
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